
Use the links below for information specific to AJAX HIGH SCHOOL's Guidance office. The links to the right contain general information posted by the Durham District School Board.
Guidance counsellors are teachers with additional training in the area of Guidance and Career Education. Students are encouraged to see a Guidance counsellor if they are in need of assistance in the areas of educational planning, career goals, personal counselling, or for referrals to outside agencies. Counsellors are here to help students make informed decisions about their future.
All requests for timetable changes must be done through the Request for Timetable Change Form posted in each student's Guidance Google Classroom.
Important information to students from Guidance is distributed throughout the school year via each student's grade-specific Guidance Google Classroom. Students are encouraged to check their Guidance Google Classroom regularly throughout the year. 

To receive notifications when new information is posted, students can download the Google Classroom app to their mobile device.

 eLearning - 'Opt-Out' Form
 Ontario Learning Graduation Learning Requirement & Opt-Out Form
  • The Ontario Ministry of Education has introduced a new graduation requirement for secondary students to complete two online learning credits as part of the 30 credits required for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).  It applies to students who entered grade 9 on or after September 1, 2020.  Although students working towards an Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) or Certificate of Accomplishment are not required to complete this new graduation requirement they may take eLearning courses.
  • A parent/guardian or student (18 years of age or older or 16 or 17 years of age and withdrawn from parental control) may withdraw from the online eLearning graduation requirement.  No explanation or reason is needed to opt-out.  
  • There is no deadline to opt-out and it may occur at any time during the student’s secondary school program.  Students who opt-out may still take eLearning courses.  Students and families are permitted to opt back into the online learning graduation requirement should their decision change.
  • To opt-out of the online eLearning graduation requirement, complete the following form and submit it to the Guidance Department of Ajax High School.
  • The form link is here: Opt-Out Form

 The Ajax High School Process for this is as follows:

  • Parent/Guardian fills out Opt-Out form.
  • Student brings form in to guidance counsellor or parent emails the form to counsellor.
  • Counsellor files in OSR.
  • Field in PowerSchool is updated once it is available to reflect the form request.
Course Calendar and new eLearning Requirement

 Ajax High School Course Calendar - Once you click on this link, you can use the filters at the top of the page to sort courses by Grade and by Discipline.

NEW - Online learning graduation requirement

Students are required to earn two online learning credits to graduate from secondary school, beginning with every student who entered Grade 9 in the 2020-21 school year as part of the requirements for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma. The graduation requirement is intended to support students in developing familiarity and comfort with learning and working in a fully online environment, as well as developing digital literacy and other important transferable skills that they will need for success after secondary school, including in post-secondary education and the workplace.

There is one exception: Up to one secondary school credit that was completed by students who were in Grade 9 during the province-wide school closures (from April 2021 to June 2021) may be counted towards the graduation requirement, in recognition of the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID‑19 pandemic.

Definition of “online learning” for this graduation requirement

  • Online learning credits that count towards the requirement are earned through courses that rely primarily on communication between students and educators through the internet or another digital platform.
  • Online learning credits that count do not generally require students to be physically present with one another or with their educator in the school, except where required for:
    • examinations and other final evaluations
    • occasional meetings with educators and other school staff, and
    • access to internet connectivity, learning devices, or other supports (for example, guidance, special education and mental health and well-being supports, and required initial assessment and in-person learning for English language learners and students of Actualisation linguistique en français (ALF) or Programme d’appui aux nouveaux arrivants (PANA) at their early stages of language acquisition)
  • In online learning courses delivered by schools in the publicly funded education system, coursework is teacher-led.
  • Students from the same online class may follow different timetables and be from different schools or school boards.
  • Students in publicly funded schools complete their online coursework with the support of a certified Ontario educator with whom they communicate, and who provides instruction, ongoing feedback, assessment, evaluation and reporting as needed, including implementing any accommodations and/or modifications identified in the student’s Individual Education Plan.

In-person courses that use digital learning tools in a physical classroom do not count towards the online graduation requirement, nor do remote learning courses that rely on a minimum requirement for synchronous learning.

Selection of courses should consider future pathways, the ability and interests of the student to learn in a fully online environment and any potential supports that may be needed. Meeting the online learning graduation requirement should not pose a barrier to graduation for students. As with all learning, students taking online courses will have access to the supports they need through their school, (e.g., guidance, nutrition programs, extra-curricular activities and services for English-language learners). If a student in a publicly funded school has an Individual Education Plan, the plan should be shared, when appropriate, with an educator instructing an online course delivered by another publicly funded school board, with the necessary consent.

Check with your local school if you have questions regarding the registration process.

Parents/guardians may choose to opt their children out of the mandatory online learning credits required for graduation. To opt out, a parent/guardian must submit an opt-out form to the school. Students 18 years of age or older, or who are 16 or 17 years of age and have withdrawn from parental control, can also opt out of the graduation requirement by submitting an opt-out form to the school. School boards must also allow for students and parents/guardians to opt back into the online learning graduation requirement should their decision change. Please contact the school for further information on this process.

 Course Selection Information

2024-25 Course Selection Information

Every year the Ajax High School Guidance Department provides instructions to all returning students regarding choosing courses for the following academic year. 

Students can access their Individual Pathway Plan (IPP) and course selections through their myBlueprint account.

Please visit and click "School Account Login" to login through your DDSB Google account. 



Information for Current Grade 9 Students

The 2024-2025 course selection information / resources are below for current grade 9 students. Please review the documents prior to selecting courses. Course selections opens up on myBlueprint on February 13th, 2024 @ 10:00am and the deadline to submit your course selections is on March 6th, 2024 @ 4:00pm.

 2024-25 Gr 9 IPP and Course Selection instructions

2024-25 Gr 9 to 10 General Course Selection Information

 2024-25 Grade 9 to 10 Course Selection presentation


Information for Current Grade 10 Students

The 2024-2025 course selection information / resources are below for current grade 10 students. Please review the documents prior to selecting courses. Course selections opens up on myBlueprint on February 13th, 2024 @ 10:00am and the deadline to submit your course selections is on March 6th, 2024 @ 4:00pm.

 2024-25 Grade 10 to 11 Course Selection Presentation

2024-2025 Gr 10 to 11 IPP and Course Selection Instructions

2024-25 Grade 10 to 11 General Course Selection information


Information for Current Grade 11 Students

The 2024-2025 course selection information / resources are below for current grade 11 students. Please review the documents prior to selecting courses. Course selections opens up on myBlueprint on February 13th, 2024 @ 10:00am and the deadline to submit your course selections is on March 6th, 2024 @ 4:00pm.

 2024-2025 Grade 11 to 12 Course Selection Presentation

2024-25 Grade 11-12 General Course Selection information

2024-25 Gr 11 to 12 IPP and Course Selection instructions


Information for Current Grade 12 Students
Ajax High School students who wish to return for a 5th year must fill in the "Request to Return for a 5th Year" form found in their Guidance Google Classroom under "Classwork". This form will be added to the google classroom in the new year!
 DDSB Course Selection Resources
 The Durham District School Board (DDSB) provides a variety of resources to help students direct their learning. The following documents allows students and families to receive relevant academic and practical experience regardless of the career pathway they choose.

Refining My Pathway (Grade 10 and 11)

Refining My Pathway is the second in a series of publications designed to assist parents/guardians and students navigate through high school. Our first publication, Choosing My Success, assists students as they move from grade 8 to grade 9. Refining My Pathway focuses on the decisions that parents/guardians and students face as they move into grades 11, 12 and beyond. 

Designing My Future (Grade 11/Grade 12/post secondary)

Designing My Future is the third and final guide in a series of publications designed to assist parents/guardians and students navigate through high school. Our first publication, Choosing My Success, assists students as they move from grade 8 to grade 9. Refining My Pathway focuses on the decisions that face parents/guardians and students as they move into grades 11 and 12 and beyond. Designing My Future is designed to assist students and parents/guardians with the decisions that face students as they complete their high school education. 

Pathways to Student Success

Durham District secondary schools have a wealth of resources and talents which, pooled together, provide pathways for success for all students. This comprehensive resource provides students, parents, guardians, and schools with information on a range of opportunities for individualized pathways to enhance student success.

 Student Resources
 Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate students are reminded they must have completed the following before commencement:

  • Earned 30 secondary school credits - including all 18 compulsory credits (19 compulsory credits for those entering grade 9 for the 2024-25 school year.
  • Completed the mandatory 40 hours of community involvement
  • Completed the requirements of the OSSLT (Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test),  

      or the OSSLC (Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course)

  • Completed the 2 Online learning courses OR submitted the "Online Learning Opt-Out" Form

For further information, click on the link below: 

If you have any doubts about your graduation status, check with Guidance.
 Community Involvement Hours

Community involvement hours are collected throughout each semester in the Guidance office.  Be sure that your forms are filled out fully (including your name and all required signatures and information). Scanned versions of the file can be sent to our Guidance Administrative Assistant, Ms. Twomey (

The Durham District School Board's record sheet and information related to the forty hours of Mandatory Community Involvement that is required in order to graduate from high school.  If you need a "Community Involvement Activity Record Sheet" in order to document your community hours, you can print one off using the link or pick one up in the Guidance office.


For more information: Click Here

 Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Durham​ - searchable database for volunteer opportunities

The Mikey Young At Heart program - offers high school students the opportunity to earn volunteer hours by learning CPR/AED online and through a free mobile app.

Town of Ajax - find volunteer opportunities through the town of Ajax. - SPARK and the Government of Ontario are connecting volunteers with community response efforts to the COVID-19 Pandemic.


Check the guidance google classroom for your specific grade for more information about Volunteer Opportunities

Summer Employment

 Ontario Summer Jobs Program - includes the Summer Job Service, Summer Company (help starting your own business), Summer Experience Programs, Ontario Rangers, Ontario Government Regular Summer Hiring, and the Ontario/Quebec Summer Student Exchange Program.

YMCA Summer Work Student Exchange - This program is a summer work program that runs for six weeks (from early July to mid-August) and is aimed at students 16 and 17 years of age who will be returning to school in September. The program finds jobs for participants in a federal riding in another province. Ridings are paired so that students work in their second official language.

Enrichment Activities

Explore - Discover another region of Canada while learning French.

Encounters with Canada - is a one-week program of Canadian studies held at the Terry Fox Canadian Youth Centre in Ottawa for 14 - 17 year-old students from across Canada. During the program they learn about Canada and explore various careers.

Exchanges Canada - is a government of Canada initiative. This website provides details on over 300 exchange opportunities including two-way exchanges for Canadians between the ages of 11 and 18. Groups of 10 to 30 youth, from different regions of the country are twinned according to their age and interests.

Forum for Young Canadians - this one-week program brings together 600 senior students, aged 15 - 19 from across Canada to Ottawa to learn first hand about our country and its leaders, about the machinery of government, how it works, and what it means to be Canadian.

Katimavik offers young Canadians an exciting experience that incorporates learning and volunteer involvement. It is Canada's leading national youth volunteer-service program.

Ontario Science Centre - each semester, 28 students are selected to study at the Ontario Science Centre. Selection is based on the student's written application, academic record, the recommendations of two teachers, and an interview. Students choose three of the following credits to take: Biology SBI4U, Chemistry SCH4U and Physic SPH4U, Advanced Functions MHF4U (semester 1 only), or MCV4U (semester 2 only).

Outward Bound - using the wilderness as the classroom, Outward Bound seeks to develop self confidence, care and respect for others, responsibility to community and concern for the environment. Both summer and full semester programs are available to students who can gain Ontario Secondary School credits.

Queen's University Department Of Enrichment Studies - Offers a number of programs to above average and gifted students from grade 6-12. Check out the following programs: EMC (Residence and Commuter), SEEDS, Grade 6 day and SEEQ.

Shad Valley -  is a summer learning and employment opportunity designed for top students in senior high school. The month of July is spent at one of 11 leading host universities across Canada in a four week academic program comprised of stimulating and varied lectures, workshops, and group projects. Many participants also pursue a five-week work experience with a Shad partner company, testing their minds and skills on intriguing real world challenges.

Canada World Youth is an international exchange program where young people learn through leadership. This program offers a variety of programs for youth 15-24.​

University of Toronto Youth Summer Programs -  High school students can study at Univeristy of Toronto's St. George campus and explore the areas of Law or Medicine.

Exchange and Study Abroad Programs

Verge Magazine - This is a Canadian publication that explores opportunities for young Canadians to work, study and volunteer abroad.

AFS Canada - offers student exchange programs (one year, a semester or during the summer) for young Canadians aged between 15 and 18 years of age.

ASSE - is an international student exchange offering full school year, 3 month, and summer programs.

Blyth International Academy -courses available for one semester, a full year or during the summer.

Canadian College Italy - Ontario curriculum credits are offered during summer or full semester programs while students travel to a variety of locations.

CEEF:The Canadian Education Exchange Foundation - offers 3-month international exchanges as well as summer programs to France, Switzerland or Spain.

EF Canada - Education First offers language learning programs, academic and university preparation programs and cultural exchange programs available for students 14-18 and above.

Global Journeys - Offers Ontario curriculum credits while travelling to destinations throughout the world.

Mei International - Ontario curriculum credits are offered during summer or full semester programs while students travel to a variety of locations.


Grade 8 Student Information and Course Selection Resources

Ajax High School Family of Schools

Ajax High School's family of schools include the following elementary schools:

Bolton C. Falby P.S., Cadarackque P.S., Carruthers Creek P.S., Duffin's Bay P.S., Lakeside P.S., Lord Elgin P.S., Roland Michener P.S., and Southwood Park P.S.

If you are not a student from one of our family of schools, you must contact the Ajax H.S. Guidance Department regarding information about how to register.

Course Selection Information 2024-25

All course selections for future grade 9 students are completed through each student's myBlueprint account. 


The 2024-2025 course selection information / resources are below for current grade 11 students. Please review the documents prior to selecting courses. 

 Course selections opens up on myBlueprint on February 13th, 2024 @ 10:00am and the deadline to submit your course selections is on February 26th @ 4:00 pm.

 2024-25 GR 8 course selection presentation

2024-25 Gr 8 General Course Selection instructions

2024-2025 Gr 8 Ajax HS IPP and Course Selection Instructions

Grade 8 Information Night Slides 2024


You can review the document "What Families Want to Know about De-streaming and Inclusive Grade 9" to learn about more de-streaming grade 9 courses.



Department Video Introductions for our Future Rams!
Click on the links below to learn more about the various departments here at Ajax H.S.




Canadian and World Studies 

English  -  Coming soon!

Guidance & Cooperative Education 

Health and Physical Education  

Inclusive Student Services 




Social Science and Humanities  

Technological Studies

Grade 8 Resources

Grade 8 to 9 Frequently Asked Questions.pdf

Grade 9 Optional Courses – A Quick Reference Guide

Important dates for Grade 8 to Grade 9 Transition.pdf

Past Clubs and Teams


DDSB Resources

Choosing My Success 

 Preparing for high school is an exciting time in your life as you transition from elementary school to a more independent learning environment. Part of what marks this transition is the variety of opportunities that are available in secondary schools for you as a learner.


Choosing My Success Overview 

An overview for grade 8 students and their families.


Pathways to Success 

Durham District secondary schools have a wealth of resources and talents which, pooled together, provide pathways for success for all students. This comprehensive resource provides students, parents, guardians, and schools with information on a range of opportunities for individualized pathways to enhance student success.

Family Information Night Presentations 

The Grade 8 Family Information Night will take place on Thursday February 8th, 2024.

Time: 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm

Location: Ajax HS Cafeteria


Postsecondary Resources - Apprenticeship/College/University/Financial Aid/Scholarships
 Use the resources below in order to learn about various postsecondary pathways, including the Skilled Trades, College and University and how to finance your future. 


Apprenticeship/Skilled Trades 
Skilled Trades Ontario - Find a career you wouldn’t trade. Learn how to become a tradesperson, find resources if you’re an employer or currently working, and get job advice.

Skills Canada - Promoting skilled trades and technologies to youth in Canada.

Skills Ontario - Promoting skilled trades and technologies to youth in Ontario.

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program - OYAP is a School-To-Work program that opens the door for students to explore and work in apprenticeship occupations starting in grade 11 or 12 through the Cooperative Education program.

Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities - Ontario Government site that explains the apprenticeship process.

Red Seal Program - Learn: what an apprenticeship is; what a designated trade is; the difference between compulsory and voluntary certification; who administers the program; how it works; and how to obtain a Red Seal endorsement.

Careers in Trades - The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum-Forum canadien sur l’apprentissage (CAF-FCA) is an inclusive national body that brings together all players in apprenticeship training.

Welding Schools of Ontario - We encourage youth and adults in a career in the trade of welding


 College Information Night

Ajax High School hosts a College Information Seminar for students and parents/guardians at the beginning of each school year.  The 2023-24 school-year presentation was presented virtually on Wednesday October 4th at 7 pm. 

Topics include choosing a college, the application process, timelines, and using  

Below is a review of what was covered in the 2021 College Information Night Presentation:

College Night Presentation 2022


College Application Seminar

College-bound students are required to sign up for the College Application Seminars run by the Guidance department by the end of October. These seminars, which occur in November, will teach students how to apply to colleges through the OCAS online system.


College-bound students will be able to participate in scheduled liaison visits from Ontario college representatives during the months of October and November. Students can sign up for these through their Guidance Google Classroom near the start of the school year.

College Websites - The site to explore Ontario's colleges - Find out information about Ontario's 28 public colleges, find a program that is right for you, and apply on-line. - Virtual tours of College campuses throughout Canada

Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities: Transition Resource Guide - Provides students with the knowledge they need to access resources at college and university and to make a successful transition from secondary to post-secondary school.


Private and Professional Colleges

The Ontario Association of Career Colleges - Information on Ontario's private Career Colleges that provide career-specfic training.

Harris Institute - Harris Institute is an internationally recognized leader in audio and music industry education. It offers one-year programs taught by active award winning leaders starting in Nvoember, March an July. 

Ontario Police College - Becoming a policeman in Ontario

Stratford Chefs School - Canadian Cooking School including Culinary and Pastry Chef Schools - Not-for-Profit career college focused on the innovative, hands-on training of high quality, aspiring chefs and culinary entrepreneurs. 

The Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences - For over 60 years, Michener has been providing the Canadian health care system with highly qualified professionals ready to meet current and emerging patient and job market needs. 

Welcome to Metalworks Institute - Canada's Elite Entertainment Arts School - The Metalworks Institute campus, situated just outside of Toronto, is the educational creation and natural extension of the renowned Metalworks Studios, home to some of the world’s most successful artists and music producers.


Ontario College/University Transfer Guide - This site provides information related to agreements and collaborative programs that ensure a continuum in learning from college to university, or university to college in Ontario.


If you have any questions about the college pathway, please come and speak to a guidance counsellor.


University Information Night

Ajax High School hosts a University Information Seminar for students and parents/guardians at the beginning of each school year.  The 2023-24 school-year presentation was presented on Wednesday September 27th at 6:30 pm. 

University Information Slide Deck - 2023-24


University-bound students will be able to participate in scheduled liaison visits from Ontario university representatives during the months of September, October and November. Students can sign up for these through their Guidance Google Classroom near the start of the school year.


University Application Seminars

University-bound students are required to sign up for the University Application Seminars presented by the Guidance department by the end of September. These seminars, which occur in late October/ early November, will teach students how to apply to universities through the Ontario Universities' Application Centre.


University Websites - Research Ontario universities' programs, pre-requisites, marks, and scholarships

Ontario Universities' Application Centre - Site to apply to Ontario's universities.  - Virtual tours of universities 

University Academic Resources - A list of academic resources available at each Ontario university

Common University Data Ontario -CUDO is an on-line resource that offers important statistics related to Ontario universities.

Ontario Universities' Fair - Information related to the Ontario Universities' Fair

Future Further  - Future Further is a dedicated resource that provides information on supports and services for Aboriginal students interested in, or already attending, an Ontario university.

TOEFL - The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is needed for entry into many Ontario universities if you are an ESL student. - This site provides information related to agreements and collaborative programs that ensure a continuum in learning from college to university, or university to college in Ontario.

Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities: Transition Resource Guide  - Provides students with the knowledge they need to access resources at college and university and to make a successful transition from secondary to post-secondary school. - Information for students considering becoming a medical doctor. 

The Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences - For over 60 years, Michener has been providing the Canadian health care system with highly qualified professionals ready to meet current and emerging patient and job market needs. 


University Information - Canada 

Canadian Universities - Links to a comprehensive list and resources related to universities across Canada. 


University Information - Overseas

UCAS - Site to research and apply for post-secondary study in the United Kingdom

Study UK - Comprehensive information about pursuing post-secondary studies in the United Kingdom.

Study in Australia​ - Site provides information on studying in Australia.


University Information - United States - Looking into post-secondary education in the United States? - Use this site to research American universities and information related to writing the SAT.

ACT Test - The ACT is the American College Test that many universities will use for admission requirements.

NCAA Eligibility Centre - For student-athletes interested in attending a university in the United States and competing in the NCAA.

NJCAA - For student-athletes interested in attending a Junior College in the U.S. and competing in the NJCAA.

Financial Aid and Scholarships


Financial Aid Information

OSAP - Ontario Student Assistance Program -To assist students who are in need of financial assistance in order to pursue post-secondary education.

Canada Student Loans Program - Information related to loan programs in Canada for post-secondary education and links to financial planners.

On-Line Student Budget Worksheet - Print this worksheet and fill out the expenses section and the income section to see if you have a realistic budget.


Scholarship/Bursary Information

yconic​ - Information related to a vast array of scholarship opportunities.

ScholarshipsCanada - Information related to a vast array of Canadian scholarship opportunities.  - Scholarships focused on Canadian students. - Information related to a vast array of Canadian scholarship opportunities. - Research Ontario universities' scholarships

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada Aboriginal Bursa​ries   - ​​​​​​​​The majority of bursaries on this list target Aboriginal students but could vary by group such as First Nation, Métis or Inuit. Also, some bursaries are specific to a region, place of residence, a school, or a field of study.

Durham Black Educators' Network (DBEN) - Enhancing the engagement, empowerment, of our youth, parents, staff, and community members. ​Supporting our well-being and pursuit of excellence, while interrupting damaging narratives about black youth and black culture

Indspire: Bursaries, Scholarships and Awards - Indspire is an Indigenous-led registered charity that invests in the education of Indigenous people for the long term benefit of these individuals, their families and communities, and Canada.

Ontario University Athletics (OUA) Athletic Financial Awards (Scholarships)  Universities in Ontario may offer Athletic Scholarships; this site offers more information about such awards. 

National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) - NEADS portal to awards and scholarships for students with disabilities studying at Canada's colleges and universities

Storwell Bursary - an annual bursary of $2,000 in support of foster children to help them attend post-secondary schools and to offer a hand up as they make their way forward in life.

​Additional Scholarship Information -

SHSM - Specialist High Skills Majors (Business/Health and Wellness)

Specialist High Skills Major logo         

What are Specialist High Skills Majors?

Specialist High Skills Majors let students focus on a career path that matches their skills and interests while meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Students receive the SHSM seal on their diploma when they:

  • complete a specific bundle of 8-10 courses in the student's selected field
  • earn valuable industry certifications including First Aid and CPR qualifications
  • gain important skills on the job through cooperative education placements.

Who are they for?

sample of a OSSDGrade 11 and 12 students who are:

  • heading for apprenticeship training, college, university or the workplace
  • wanting to identify, explore and refine their career goals and make informed choices about their next steps after secondary school



 Business SHSM

The Ministry of Education offers a comprehensive guide to the program and components of the Business Specialist High Skills Major.  For school-level inquiries please contact the Guidance Department or the Business SHSM lead teacher. 

 Health and Wellness SHSM

Health and Wellness Brochure

 Physical Education Teachers with SHSM Hoodies

Career Planning and Workplace Resources

Use the links below to research careers and explore sites that offer self-assessment tools in order to see what careers might be of interest to you!

Real Talk - Real People. Real Career Advice.

Virtual Reality Workplace Experience - Take a virtual reality tour of some of the most fascinating workplaces across the country with the 360° videos below as you explore future career paths.

Ontario Job Futures​ - Ontario Job Futures is a publication which provides information on the current trends and future outlook for about 200 occupations common to Ontario. ​

Employment Profile​ - the latest feedback from college students, graduates and their employers regarding employment experiences of college graduates. 

CanLearn Interactive - The one-stop on-line source for information on Post-Secondary education in Canada.

TypeFocus - A site that lets you explore careers based on your interests. - Government of Canada site dedicated to helping youth from 15 - 30 with a wide variety of information.


Find links below in order to explore a variety of options related to the workplace.

Youth Job Connection (YJC)​  -Youth Job Connection is a new youth employment program launching in fall 2015. It was announced in Budget 2015 as a targeted investment by the Ontario government to enhance the skills of youth who experience multiple barriers to employment.

Department of National Defence - Explore information regarding jobs/careers in the Canadian Armed Forces

Durham College CICI - Community Integration through Cooperative Education (CICE) gives individuals with intellectual disabilities or significant learning challenges the opportunity to enhance their academic and vocational skills with modified programming through a variety of courses. ​

Fleming College for Workplace Graduates - Fleming College offers several programs for workplace grads that can lead to rewarding careers.  Bridge programs to college diploma programs are also available.

H Careers - Search for careers in the hospitality industry

Home Building Careers - An employment referral service provided by BILD for our members and the land development, residential home building and renovation industry.​

Local Work -  An online destination for local job search​ - Government of Canada site that provides an array of resources for training, education, and employment skills.

Monster -  An online destination connecting job seekers with employers

Ontario Youth Jobs - Everyone doesn't always have the same opportunities to get a job or get help depending on where they live. This Ontario government strategy helps teenagers in neighbourhoods that might not have as many services as other places.​

OREA Real Estate College - Representing the 62,580 real estate brokers and salespeople members of Ontario’s 40 real estate boards, the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) serves its members through a wide variety of publications, educational programs and special services. The association provides all real estate licensing courses in Ontario.​

Workopolis - Helping Canadians find jobs and connecting employers with the high-quality candidates they need since 2000.​


Commencement for our 2024 graduates

Date: Thursday June 27th, 2024 @ 1:30 pm

Location: Iroquois Park Sports Centre, 500 Victoria Street West , Whitby.


Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate students are reminded they must have completed the following before commencement:

□   Earned 30 secondary school credits - including all 18 compulsory credits

□   Completed the mandatory 40 hours of community involvement

□   Completed the requirements of the OSSLT (Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test),  

      or the OSSLC (Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course)

For further information, click on the link below: 

If you have any doubts about your graduation status, check with a member of the Guidance team.


Your pre-order link for our bouquet : 

Community Resources
Use the links below to find resources within the community to assist students and families in a variety of different areas.

Distress Centre Durham - Provides information and assistance on suicide and related topics along with a 24-Hour helpline  905-430-2522 / 1-800-452-0688​.

Kid's Help Phone - 24 hour support line for students 1.800.668.6868​

Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) Durham - Connecting newly-arrived families to services and resources in the school and community.

Mind Your Mind - Need help? Don't know what's wrong or what to do? Access information for yourself or a friend about getting help, counselling and more. Reach out, get help, give help.​

Carea Community Health -  is a community health centre in Ajax. It provides health care and social services in a non-judgmental environment by a multi-dsciplinary team of professionals.

PFLAG Durham - PFLAG used to stand for Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. Today PFLAG Canada is a brand name inclusive to all sexual orientations and gender identities/expressions.​

Pinewood Centre - Provides services to people experiencing drug, alcohol, and gambling related concerns.

Telehealth Ontario - Telehealth Ontario is a free, confidential telephone service you can call to get health advice or general health information from a Registered Nurse.

National Eating Disorder Information Centre - Site that provides information for anyone who is struggling with an eating disorder or is preoccupied with weight and dieting.

The John Howard Society - Provides a variety of social services in the areas of employment, literacy, relationships, housing, harm-reduction, and parenting.

Canadian Mental Health Association - Provides services and support in the area of mental health problems and illnesses.

Durham Children's Aid Society - a non-profit agency that assists children who find themselves in an abusive situation.

​​About Face - We equip women and girls with tools to understand and resist harmful media messages that affect their self-esteem and body image.​

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health - The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is Canada's largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital, as well as one of the world's leading research centres in its field. ​

Egale- Canada’s website for safer and inclusive schools for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) community. ​

Information Durham - A search engine for community resources within the Durham region.

Mental Health - The information on this site is for all teens struggling with mental health problems, whether or not you’ve got an actual diagnosis.​

Canadian Centre for Child Protection - helps teens stop the spread of sexual pictures or videos and provides support along the way. ​​

TAMI - Durham - Talking About Mental Illness Coalition - To increase the knowledge of and decrease the stigma associated with mental illness.​

Contact Us

Guidance Administrative Assistant

Ms. E. Twomey - Ph. 905.683.1610 ext. 233020 (

Fax: 905-683-0856 

Head of Guidance

Mr. B. Pakosta - Ph. 905.683.1610 ext. 233021(

Guidance Counsellors

Ms. J. Callis - Ph. 905.683.1610 ext. 233023 (

Ms. F. Santos - Ph. 905.683.1610 ext. 233024 (

Ms. J. Hendry - Ph. 905.683.1610 ext. 233022 (